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War in Paraguay

War in Paraguay

Cover Thompson

War in Paraguay - US$ 4.99

Authored by George Thompson 

Edited by Ricardo Cunha Mattos Portella 

War in Paraguay is a unique account of the Paraguayan war (1865-1870), a conflict between Paraguay and the Allies (Brazil, Argentine and Uruguay). Mr. Thompson was an engineer hired by the Paraguayan government that was the responsible for the formidable fortifications that kept the allies at bay and prolonged the war for several years. It was written before the war was over, and it is one of the few testimonies from the Paraguayan side.
This edition includes all the original illustrations plus several new illustrations and comments. It was also included in this edition a document published in USA that make some remarks regarding the behavior of Gen. McMahon, the last US ambassador to the Lopez government.

Available in paperback or kindle edition in Amazon.